Meat Supply — Glenwood Farms
As large-scale meat processing facilities continue to have supply chain issues and recalls for disease in their meat, we’re fortunate to live in an area with a strong local food system and great butchers. The shift to knowing your farmer and where your meat comes from and how they raise the animals is important to you and to us a 6th Generation Small Family Farm.
The good news? We’ve secured processing with a new butcher and will be fully restocked soon!
We appreciate your continued support of local farms during these challenging times. Your commitment helps keep small, sustainable agriculture thriving. Stay healthy, and thank you for choosing Glenwood Farms!
Spring is here?
Despite snow being in the forecast, spring is in the air! For Ithaca, the biggest marker of that is the Ithaca Farmers Market’s return to The Steam Boat landing. Opening 9 am Saturday morning, this market is out doors under a massive pavilion. For those warry of large crowd sizes, there is an online farmers market, that allows for contactless pickup. The pavilion is open air, and masks are mandatory, so rest assured that safety is being considered so that everyone can enjoy their experence.
Fall is upon us, even if we don’t want to admit it
With long summer days come even longer work days; between building new fences at our new farm in Caroline or trying to out run the rain while baling hay. It’s the days that the air is that much cooler and you start to see the leaves change that you know that fall is almost here and winter is fastly approaching. Although the day to days are the same there is a lot that changes with the seasons, not just the leaves. Spending 10 plus hours in a tractor turns into preparing for winter. From cutting enough wood to heat multiple houses and making sure we have enough hay to feed our herd throughout the winter. All that is hard work but it’s that cold fall breeze bundled up next to a camp fire next to the one you love that makes it worth it. Knowing that you worked your hardest to keep your family, loved ones, and animals healthy and safe is all the one can ask for.
Thank you all for supporting our farm and we hope that you find happiness and joy in the little things.
What are food miles and why they are important
In today’s society the majority of food at supermarkets travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to get to your kitchen. Be it watermelons from Mexico or bananas from India, food miles stack up every inch along the way. Food miles are the total amount of miles that your food travels to get to you. All this travel creates more and more pollution. That is why it is so important to eat from your local food system. Our farm is located 5 miles away from the Ithaca Farmers Market, then you add on the additional 80 miles round trip to the butcher. So our meat has traveled a total of 85 miles. It seems like a high number and it kinda is, but it is nothing compared to anything you buy at a supermarkets. One of the nice things that is happening for our farm is that there is a new USDA butcher shop opening up 4 miles away from our Caroline farm, which will reduce the food miles on our product tremendously. One of the best things about buying local and direct from farmers is that you get the whole truth and you know where your food is coming from.
Change is Good
There have been many changes on the farm in the past five years. All for the better. We successfully transitioned our bison to 100% grass fed. Making all of our hay ourselves, totaling over 1,000 bales this past year all of which where made within 5 mile radius of our farm. We dappled in raising pigs and broilers. Most importantly, we bought a 220 acre farm in Caroline so we can have more pasture for our animals. The one thing that has not changed is our core values of not using any herbicides or pesticides and making sure that our animals live the happiest and healthiest life that they can.
Ithaca Farmers Market Rules during Covid-19
Slow the Spread
-Please, please stay home if you are sick.
-In order to keep crowds to a minimum, please send only one person from your household to shop.
-Our main goal is to keep people moving quickly, so we ask that you leave the market as soon as you’ve made your purchase.
-Whenever possible, please contact the vendor directly ahead of time with pre-orders and pre-payment. That way, your items will already be packaged and waiting for you at the market, avoiding further handling of products and money.
-Please refrain from touching others and ensure that at least 6 feet is between you and the next person. If you can both reach out and touch each other’s hands, then you’re too close.
-The bathrooms near the market office will be fully stocked with soap and made available for handwashing. Door handles and surfaces will be sanitized several times an hour.
As always thank you for supporting our farm, and stay safe out there!
Want products not available online?
Is there something you have been hankering for but its not available on our webpage? Steaks? Roasts? Other specialty products? No worries, please feel free to contact We will have your order ready for pick up at our farm or on Saturday at the Ithaca Farmers Market.
Whats going on today?
Today Glenwood farms is at Ithaca Farmers Market in our normal place, booth 19 until 2pm. In Syracuse, at the Central NY Regional Market; we are in shed D booth 47 until 2pm. Operation of these markets are a little different in the time of social distancing, so please observe the rules and respect others personal space.
New and BIG things happening!
Well, spring is finally here and although we are all stuck inside Glenwood Farms is growing. Today we have made the final steps in opening up our online store for select Bison cuts, as well as some friends locally grown food products. Our options for shipping are currently limited to three zip codes where we will drop off to your door, and the free options of farm pick up and pick up at the CNY Regional Market every Saturday 7AM to 2PM. We chose to move the release of the online store ahead, because it presented an opportunity to sell to our community, while helping to stem the spread of Covid-19. The intention is to service our customers without direct contact with you all for as long as the situation calls for. Wishing everyone a Happy, healthy, and prosperous spring, Greg, Tammy, Evan Alex, and Alex.
Price Lists for Glenwood Farms
Thank you for visiting Glenwood Farms. In an attempt to make getting information from us easier please use for inquiries into our prices and our CSA Programs.
Announcing! New Greater Binghamton Area Dropoff - Bison, Pork, Eggs and Seasonally Chicken and Turkey.
One of our Fans has volunteered to be the location for our Greater Binghamton Area Dropoff which is a monthly site where our CSA Members can meet to pickup there Bison, Pork, Eggs and Seasonally Chicken and Turkey. We are so thankful to customers like these folks. For more details email our Greater Binghamton Area Dropoff Coordinator Lady Alex at Glenwoodfarms .com (All one word no spaces we hate spam too)
Or Call us at 607-272-7809 for more details about our CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture)
Winter Farmers Market @ Ithaca Farmers Market and Central NY Regional Market in Syracuse
Greetings People who like good whole some food and who support BUYING LOCAL IN CNY. We at Glenwood Farms would like to thank you for your support. Our 5th Generation Local Family Farm Located on the West Shore of Ithaca, NY in the Town of Ulysses which is in Tompkins County.
Did you know that currently in stock we have BISON Steaks, Roasts, Ground 95% lean burger, Ground 95% lean Sausage... WHAT????? CASH ME OUT! that's right GUILT FREE SAUSAGE made EVERY time with our 95% lean ground meat. We have breakfast sausage, maple sausage, Mild Italian Hot Italian and limited supply of Chorizo.
WE LOVE OUR COMMUNITY AND THE SUPPORT THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED FROM LOCAL Restaurants and Institutions like Glenwood Pines, The Heights Restaurant, Cornell University. We are proud of our family history and traditions that have been apart of the community for more than 100 years. We celebrate Black History Month by letting you know our part of Black History. Our 5th Generation's Great-Great-Grandfather Dr. Warren delivered Alex Haley the Black Historian who penned the book ROOTS. This book has been made into at least three mini-series..... If I remember correctly his book started out I was born in a sleepy little town of Ithaca NY. Well a lot sure has changed but our farm is still here....
Spring Farmers Markets
As we move further into spring, remember that syracuse farmers market is still open. Glenwood farms is in shed A, and Ithaca farmers market has returned to Steam Boat landing (9am-3pm saturdays). We are located on the south end in booth 75 and have all our cuts in stock!
Syracuse Regional Market
As we make our way deeper into winter, remember that the Syracuse regional market is an all year Saturday market. Its hours are 7 AM to 2 PM and you can find our farm there every Saturday. Most of the sheds are even heated there!
CSA Fair
The CSA fair is fast approaching. With that in mind I highly suggest that folks come to Boynton Middle School on March 14, 12 to 3 if they are considering a CSA option for their family. CSA shares are a great way to help your local farmer while saving some money in the process, and building a closer relationship with the people who make your family food.