What are food miles and why they are important
In today’s society the majority of food at supermarkets travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to get to your kitchen. Be it watermelons from Mexico or bananas from India, food miles stack up every inch along the way. Food miles are the total amount of miles that your food travels to get to you. All this travel creates more and more pollution. That is why it is so important to eat from your local food system. Our farm is located 5 miles away from the Ithaca Farmers Market, then you add on the additional 80 miles round trip to the butcher. So our meat has traveled a total of 85 miles. It seems like a high number and it kinda is, but it is nothing compared to anything you buy at a supermarkets. One of the nice things that is happening for our farm is that there is a new USDA butcher shop opening up 4 miles away from our Caroline farm, which will reduce the food miles on our product tremendously. One of the best things about buying local and direct from farmers is that you get the whole truth and you know where your food is coming from.