Why Glenwood Farms CSA?      

Social Reasons

· Support Local Agriculture

· Help Our  Farm Become Sustainable

· Help the local economy

· Insure that there will be a 6th generation on this farm

Financial Reasons

· At the $500 credit level a credit of $50 in addition.  - “Lead Bull Member” + a personal visit to the farm with your family.  

· At the $250level an additional credit of $15—“Lead Cow Member”

· At the $100 level an additional credit of $5—”Baby Calf Member”

- At the $3000 Level you get $1501.00 - “Wedding CSA” worth of purchasing power in the form of our Wedding CSA which allows us to use the display of our farm, the selling and direct marketing strategy of our farm operation and the primary purpose of this CSA is to sell you at least $1501.00 worth of Glenwood Farms and Waids Honey products but to directly market our farm products to your guests via your invitations and their visit to our farm providing them an opportunity to see our farm and become CSA members too. Every guest will be provided a coupon for an extra $10 towards the purchase of their individual CSA. This is an useful tool for us to attract more CSA Members and folks who want to see and get to know their farm before purchasing or making their purchasing decisions. Every Wedding is required to display visually our products, history and have at each table a sample of our products for each of the guests to take home. Any products purchased for the wedding will be delivered on the day of the wedding when your guests arrive or be placed at their table so that they may sample and make any further purchasing of products available on site.

Our CSA does not have an end date, you get what you pay for!

Health Reasons                    Nutritional Information

· Low Fat

· Low Cholesterol

· High in Omega’s

· Dietitian on Staff to answer any questions

Learn more here.

"Lead Bull" CSA Membership
"Lead Cow" CSA Membership
"Baby Calf" CSA Membership